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  3. The Scientific Thoughts
  4. Наукова стаття № 1

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Hoshko Kseniia Olexandrivna, Parioti Kristina Vadymivna



the work establishes a connection between the dependence of maintaining one's own opinion and worldview on suggestibility; the ability of the media to persuade, establish contact with the viewer, and build trust is characterized; using the processing of digital arrays by methods of mathematical statistics, a meta-analysis was carried out on the effectiveness of methods for sociological research of the television audience   

Ключові слова:
mass media, suggestibility, public opinion, mass influence, manipulation, metaanalysis, methods of sociological research   

Modern advertising markets allow independent institutions to emerge in assessing the effectiveness of their structural components. Among them are old companies that conduct preliminary audits and audits in mass communes (ZMK), as well as audits of advertising markets. The simplest version of the meaning of a real audit is the sheer number of people who watched the show. Moreover, absolute value is added to the relative strength of dynamism. This reasoning gave rise to such a unified type of audit as a rating, in which it became possible to watch TV viewers and, apparently, identify ways to influence them. The media act as the main guarantor of information support for the democratic process by informing citizens to the fullest extent possible about all the most significant processes and phenomena occurring in society, about the positions and actions of the authorities, their efforts aimed at solving issues and problems of concern to citizens. Promoting the integration of society by comprehensively informing it involves presenting the points of view of various social groups and forces. Presentation of various available points of view for the audience serves to be able to see their position in the area of other points of view, to correlate their interests with the interests of other forces and groups for the purpose of discussion, discussion, and, as a result, to establish a mutually agreed position and inclusion on a particular issue or Problems. There is an opinion that the media impose their vision, the solution of a certain problem on society, however, first of all, they provide a dialogue, at the same time indicating their own position (if necessary), while showing tolerance to other points of view and not pretending for the role of an arbiter, with the goal of ensuring constructive interaction of various forces, work for the common interest, and a practical solution to the problem   
The Scientific Thoughts. Фінікс, США.   

Посилання для цитування:

Hoshko Kseniia Olexandrivna, Parioti Kristina Vadymivna. STUDYING THE WAYS OF FORMING ONE PUBLIC OPINIONS WITH MEDIA INFLUENCE // ''The Scientific Thoughts'' (міжнародна наукова конференція). ISBN 978-0399004495. Фінікс, США. С. 4 - 8. 2021 р. // Електронний ресурс: (дата звернення: 27.07.2024 р.)

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