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Amangeldieva K.Zh.



this article is devoted to the study of the linguistic personality in Internet communication, reflecting changes in the specifics of speech genres and behavior of the linguistic personality in the conditions of Internet communication. Traditional genres are getting new content due to the development of Internet technologies. To date, we can talk about the development of a number of derivative genres on the web. Thus, the development of computer-mediated communication has brought changes in the system of speech genres and in the character of the linguistic personality   

Ключові слова:
linguistic personality, Internet communication, virtual discourse   

УДК 1751

Amangeldieva K.Zh.

Master of the Department "Foreign Philology"

Eurasian National University

(Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan)




Abstract: this article is devoted to the study of the linguistic personality in Internet communication, reflecting changes in the specifics of speech genres and behavior of the linguistic personality in the conditions of Internet communication. Traditional genres are getting new content due to the development of Internet technologies. To date, we can talk about the development of a number of derivative genres on the web. Thus, the development of computer-mediated communication has brought changes in the system of speech genres and in the character of the linguistic personality.


Keywords: linguistic personality, Internet communication, virtual discourse.


The Internet, which emerged at the end of the last century as a means of data transmission, has by now managed to turn not only into a huge information field, but also a new communicative environment that allowed us to identify various ways of human interaction. Communications on the Internet are multifunctional: they are focused on Internet-mediated self-expression and interpersonal synchronous and asynchronous communication of users in order to form strong social ties.

Over the past ten years, there have been a lot of publications devoted to the study of the functioning of the network language, the ways of forming a network identity and the presentation of a virtual personality, the flow of speech processes on the Internet in general.

Exploring the language of the Internet, where a text immersed in a communication situation is considered as a discourse [1, p. 47], this made it possible to identify new types of discourse that did not exist before: computer (electronic) discourse, network discourse, Internet discourse, virtual discourse.

A common characteristic of all types of discourse, distinguished on the basis of the communicative environment of the Internet, is the mediation of communication, and the distinguishing features, partially overlapping each other– are the virtual communicative environment, electronic communication channel, multiple communication mode.

Examining the new communicative space that has emerged on the basis of the Internet, in recent years linguists have increasingly turned to the study of various characteristics of participants in discourse who are linguistic personalities, that is, personalities who exist in the language space, use verbal signs and represent a set of abilities to create and perceive speech works. Each of them represents an original linguistic personality, capable of vividly and non-trivially representing himself with the help of linguistic uniqueness represented by all levels of the language. The phenomenon of a virtual linguistic personality has a serious linguocreative potential, which in the conditions of digital virtual realities is a powerful communicative resource.

The goals of communication on the Internet and the manifestation of linguistic personality are numerous. [2, p. 177]. However, they can probably be reduced to two main: 1) influencing the reader (manipulation of his consciousness, attracting attention, reducing the distance between the author and the reader, creating a trusting atmosphere of communication, entertaining the reader); 2) author's self-presentation (the possibility of self-identification, honing witty skills, creating his own idiostyle, emotional self-expression, linguistic creativity).

Moreover, in most cases, the communication process is supported in this environment only by text exchange. As Cheryl Tekle wrote in a paper on virtual identity studies, "You can become anything you want. You can, if you want, completely "reinvent" yourself. You can become a person of the opposite sex. You may be less talkative. You can just be who you want to be. And you don't have to worry about how others will perceive you. It is very easy to influence this perception, because all their ideas about you are based on what you show them. They don't see your body and don't make any assumptions about it. They don't hear your accent and don't draw any conclusions from it either. All they see are your words". [3, p. 12]. On the Internet it plays the role of a "mask", put on a virtual "I".

As can be seen from the quotes given by leading Western scientist in this field, the meaning of the text component on the Internet comes to the fore. And, of course, the linguistics of the text should play a primary role in the study of the communicative space of the Network. After all, the Internet is a special medium of text action.

The communicative space of a linguistic personality is closely connected with the motivational level reflecting its pragmatic characteristics, and represents "a set of spheres of speech communication in which a certain linguistic personality can realize the necessary needs of his being in accordance with the linguistic, cognitive and pragmatic rules accepted in this society". [4, p. 136]. In this regard, researchers of the virtual communicative space will be interested in the following main areas: 1) a self-virtual communicative space as such, which is created and used by a person, his creativity; 2) a virtual linguistic personality as a specific type of user, immersed in a virtual communicative space and having certain pragmatic characteristics.3) genres of Internet communication.

Modeling the genre space of the Internet is an extremely difficult and probably impossible task. This is due to the complex nature of communication on the Internet. The Internet is a multidimensional education that accommodates various types of discourses and forms of interaction. And those researchers who are trying to create an exhaustive classification of Internet communication genres in general are unlikely to be able to do so in the near future. And if the number of genres that can be distinguished on the basis of specific structurality, compositionality of the text due to new information technologies (such as, for example, e-mail, chat, forum, blog, etc.) can still be calculated, then the number of speech genres is so large that it is hardly possible to take them all into account within one classification in the same way as trying to calculate genres of communication not mediated by a computer. So, those studies in which the object is not the entire communicative space of the Internet as a whole, but only a certain part of it, can be more successful. For example, such speech genres as flame, online flirting, virtual romance, flood, spam are specific for virtual discourse.

Considering the values and goals of a linguistic personality in Internet communication, we can talk about the allocation of tertiary socialization, inculturation, self-presentation and entertainment. The values of virtual discourse include unlimited availability and speed of obtaining information and making acquaintances, anonymity, the absence of spatial boundaries, blurring distances and erasing the role of the time factor, democratic communication, freedom of expression.




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Розробка актуальних наукових проблем. Київ, Україна.   

Посилання для цитування:

Amangeldieva K.Zh.. LINGUISTIC PERSONALITY IN INTERNET COMMUNICATION // ''Розробка актуальних наукових проблем'' (міжнародна наукова конференція). ISBN 978-966-5998-40-1. Київ, Україна. С. 4 - 7. 2021 р. // Електронний ресурс: (дата звернення: 27.07.2024 р.)

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